Thursday, May 18, 2017

Help for Low-Income Families For Neutering Pets

Controlling the pet population is very difficult. The costs of neutering can be a deterrent for some families. There is help in Central New York. A free to low cost program can be found at:

This is such an important issue as many pets get left and abandoned due to unforeseen litters. If you know of anyone that is experience financial hardship, please let them about this valuable resource.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Equine Assisted Therapy - By Robomojo

We discussed how horse can help with physical disablities, however did you know they help with emotional support and counseling. We learned this from our visit to the Root Farm and researched about it after our visit. Horses help with:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Behavioral difficulties
  • Other psychological illnesses – such as schizophrenia, ADHD, autism, personality disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), receptive or expressive language disorders
  • Major life changes such as trauma, grief, divorce and loss
  • At-risk youth
  • Victims of violence
For more information about equine assisted therapy:

Monday, January 16, 2017

Parrots for Veterans (PTSD)

A local citizen posted a great video about the benefits of parrots and veterans suffering from PTSD. This is an example of Animal Therapy. Veterans are given a parrot when tradition methods of human intervention were ineffective. (Shared by George DeFazio)

The common bond can be the ability for parrots to recognize trauma.

Here is the link:

You can also find the link on our resources section to the right.

Sensory Sunday At The Utica Zoo

Here is some great information for families in the Utica Rome area:

Sensory Sundays - Utica Zoo invites families with special needs children to join us for special sensory education programs. The programs will be interactive and hands on. The program is free for members and $5.00 / child for non-members. January 22, 2017: 9:30 to 10:30 AM - Snakes. Pre-registration is required by emailing mary.hall@uticazoo.or g or by calling Mary at (315) 738-0472 ext 26.